Kali ini aku akan share dan jelaskan gimana Trik Membuat Tombol Back To Top Di Blog Keren Terbaru, silahkan ikuti tutorial langkah langkah berikut lengkap beserta gambarnya dengan gampang dan cepat buat sahabat yang ingin memasang tombol kembali ke atas pada blogger.
Trik Menambahkan Back To Top Di Blog :
1. Sebelumnya sahabat harus mempunyai link / url gambar tombol back to top, kalau belum dapat upload dulu gambarnya dengan tips buka situs www.postimage.org kemudian klik Browse
2. Kemudian cari file gambar tombol back to top sahabat kemudian klik Open
3. Setelah itu pada image content pilih FAMILY safe dan klik Upload It!
4. Tunggu sebentar hingga muncul tampilan Upload Completed! maka sahabat sudah mendapat link / url gambar back to top pada kotak direct link
5. Selanjutnya masuk ke dashboard blogger > pilih hidangan Tata Letak kemudian klik Tambahkan Gadget pada bab sidebar
6. Kemudian klik tambah pada pilihan HTML/Javascript
7. Copy script arahan berikut pada kotak konten ( goresan pena warna merah ganti dengan direct link gambar tombol back to top yang sudah sahabat upload tadi ) dan untk judul tidak usah diisi, kalau sudah klik Simpan
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.gugleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >
* Scroll To Top Control script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com)
* Modified by www.MyBloggerTricks.com
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit Project Page at http://www.dynamicdrive.com for full source code
var scrolltotop={
//startline: Integer. Number of pixels from top of doc scrollbar is scrollayar led before showing control
//scrollto: Keyword (Integer, or "Scroll_to_Element_ID"). How far to scroll document up when control is clicked on (0=top).
setting: {startline:100, scrollto: 0, scrollduration:1000, fadeduration:[500, 100]},
controlHTML: '<img src="http://s10.postimg.org/ggqhup3lh/back_to_top.png" />', //HTML for control, which is auto wrapped in DIV w/ ID="topcontrol"
controlattrs: {offsetx:5, offsety:5}, //offset of control relative to right/ bottom of window corner
anchorkeyword: '#top', //Enter href value of HTML anchors on the page that should also act as "Scroll Up" links
state: {isvisible:false, shouldvisible:false},
if (!this.cssfixedsupport) //if control is positioned using JavaScript
this.$control.css({opacity:0}) //hide control immediately after clicking it
var dest=isNaN(this.setting.scrollto)? this.setting.scrollto : parseInt(this.setting.scrollto)
if (typeof dest=="string" && jQuery('#'+dest).length==1) //check element set by string exists
this.$body.animate({scrollTop: dest}, this.setting.scrollduration);
var $window=jQuery(window)
var controlx=$window.scrollLeft() + $window.width() - this.$control.width() - this.controlattrs.offsetx
var controly=$window.scrollTop() + $window.height() - this.$control.height() - this.controlattrs.offsety
this.$control.css({left:controlx+'px', top:controly+'px'})
var scrolltop=jQuery(window).scrollTop()
if (!this.cssfixedsupport)
this.state.shouldvisible=(scrolltop>=this.setting.startline)? true : false
if (this.state.shouldvisible && !this.state.isvisible){
this.$control.stop().animate({opacity:1}, this.setting.fadeduration[0])
else if (this.state.shouldvisible==false && this.state.isvisible){
this.$control.stop().animate({opacity:0}, this.setting.fadeduration[1])
var mainobj=scrolltotop
var iebrws=document.all
mainobj.cssfixedsupport=!iebrws || iebrws && document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat" && window.XMLHttpRequest //not IE or IE7+ brosers in standards mode
mainobj.$body=(window.opera)? (document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat"? $('html') : $('body')) : $('html,body')
mainobj.$control=$('<div id="topcontrol">'+mainobj.controlHTML+'</div>')
.css({position:mainobj.cssfixedsupport? 'fixed' : 'absolute', bottom:mainobj.controlattrs.offsety, right:mainobj.controlattrs.offsetx, opacity:0, cursor:'pointer'})
.attr({title:'Scroll Back to Top'})
.click(function(){mainobj.scrollup(); return false})
if (document.all && !window.XMLHttpRequest && mainobj.$control.text()!='') //loose check for IE6 and below, plus whether control contains any text
mainobj.$control.css({width:mainobj.$control.width()}) //IE6- seems to require an explicit width on a DIV containing text
$('a[href="' + mainobj.anchorkeyword +'"]').click(function(){
return false
$(window).bind('scroll resize', function(e){
8. Agar tidak menggangu tampilan blog sahabat dapat geser widget tersebut ke bab paling bawah sidebar
9. Terakhir klik Simpan setelan.. Selesai dan lihat hasilnya
Nah itulah gimana tips menciptakan back to top di blogspot terbaru.
Silahkan dicoba
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